Related topics: current biology ยท fruit flies

Jarid2 may break the Polycomb silence

Historically, fly and human Polycomb proteins were considered textbook exemplars of transcriptional repressors, or proteins that silence the process by which DNA gives rise to new proteins. Now, work by a team of researchers ...

Fruit flies watch the sky to stay on course

Insects, equipped with complex compound eyes, can maintain a constant heading in their travels, some of them for thousands of miles. New research demonstrates that fruit flies keep their bearings by using the polarization ...

The long and short of sperm tails

A team of biologists in Japan has uncovered an unexpected role for mitochondria1, the power houses of cells, in the development of sperm in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.

Siestas Among the Drosophilae

( -- Isaac Edery is concerned with biological clocks, internal mechanisms that enable virtually all plants and animals to behave in rhythmic biological cycles known as circadian rhythms.

'Sour' grapes: Berry damage, fruit flies worsen wine

Damaged grape berries combined with vinegar flies are a recipe for promoting sour rot, a disease that lowers vineyard yields and wine quality, according to a Cornell study reporting on field experiments in New York state.

Repeated sexual failures cause social stress in fruit flies

Repeated failures to reproduce make fruit flies stressed and frustrated, which in turn makes them less resilient to other types of stress, Julia Ryvkin at Bar-Ilan University and colleagues report in PLOS Genetics.

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