Related topics: current biology · fruit flies

Fruit flies crucial to basic research

The world around us is full of amazing creatures. My favorite is an animal the size of a pinhead, that can fly and land on the ceiling, that stages an elaborate (if not beautiful) courtship ritual, that can learn and remember… ...

Leaf odor attracts Drosophila suzukii

In 2014, more spotted-wing Drosophila suzukii than ever before were observed in Germany. This pest lays its eggs in fresh and ripening fruits before they are harvested. Infested fruits are often additionally infected with ...

New technique captures real-time diagnostic 3-D images

Research, recently published in the journal Scientific Reports, makes it possible to follow the development of living organisms up to three millimetres long with three-dimensional images.  These organisms, such as the zebrafish ...

Toxic fruits hold the key to reproductive success

In the course of evolution, animals have become adapted to certain food sources, sometimes even to plants or to fruits that are actually toxic. The driving forces behind such adaptive mechanisms are often unknown. Scientists ...

New mechanism for growth control discovered

Research on Drosophila reveals that once activated during starvation, this regulatory system prevents the secretion of insulin like peptides, the counterparts of IGF and insulin in mammals.

Why fruit flies are a good genetic model for human disease study

If you have a Facebook account, you are likely to have seen someone pour an ice bucket on themselves in the name of raising awareness for amyotropic lateral sclerosis (ALS). ALS is a disease that affects nerve cells in the ...

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