Mixed signals on cellphone bans

It's legal in 41 states for drivers to use hand-held cell phones, and a leading highway safety organization recommends keeping it that way for now.

Keeping drivers focused on the road

Technology might someday succeed in an area where laws, public service campaigns, and common sense have generally failed: getting drivers to stop gabbing and focus on the road.

Stop sign ahead for texting while driving?

(AP) -- Targeting text messaging behind the wheel, the Obama administration plans to offer recommendations to address the growing traffic safety risk of distracted driving and the use of mobile devices by multitasking drivers.

NTSB restricts employee cell-phone use

(AP) -- The federal safety agency that investigates transportation accidents is banning texting and talking on cell phones by its employees while driving on government business.

LaHood calls summit on distracted driving

(AP) -- Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said Tuesday he will convene a summit of experts to figure out what to do about driver cell phone use and texting, practices that studies - and a growing number of accidents - ...

US quashed report on dangers of phone use while driving

The federal agency tasked with keeping US roadways safe suppressed research seven years ago on the dangers of cellphone use while driving, fearing political fallout from the study, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

Declining road fatalities: Less driving not the only cause

(PhysOrg.com) -- Fewer Americans are dying on our nation's roads, not only because they are driving less, but also because the type of driving has changed, says a researcher at the University of Michigan Transportation Research ...

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