Related topics: driving

Special alloy sleeves urged to block hackers?

(AP) -- To protect against skimming and eavesdropping attacks, federal and state officials recommend that Americans keep their e-passports tightly shut and store their RFID-tagged passport cards and enhanced driver's licenses ...

Chips in official IDs raise privacy fears

Climbing into his Volvo, outfitted with a Matrics antenna and a Motorola reader he'd bought on eBay for $190, Chris Paget cruised the streets of San Francisco with this objective: To read the identity cards of strangers, ...

Traffic jams follow explosive pattern, says researcher (w/Video)

( -- Picture this next time you're stuck in traffic: Thousands of wildebeests loping across the Serengeti Plain when suddenly a few spooked animals turn the orderly migration into a sea of locked horns, U-turns, ...

The cockpit of the future

( -- Research scientists have developed a novel car dashboard that functions as a 3-D display and shows velocities, engine speeds or warnings in three dimensions. The display’s design can be chosen individually ...

Uber Eats eats into Uber ridesharing

When Uber expanded into food delivery, the move was expected to bring additional revenue to the ridesharing company. It certainly did.

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