How to alert drivers to fatigue

Frank Black is a professional truck driver, having clocked up nearly three decades travelling the breadth of Australia. But every time he gets into his cab, Black thinks about driver fatigue; over the years he has lost several ...

Car safety system could anticipate driver's mistakes

It may be a while yet before we have cars that drive themselves, but in the near future your car may help you drive. In particular, it could warn you when you're about to do something stupid.

Consequences of driving drunk are paying off

Punishments for drivers whose blood alcohol content is measured above legal thresholds for impairment have reduced the likelihood of repeat offenses, says a University of Oregon economist.

Uber ramps up safety efforts after criticism

Uber said Wednesday it was ramping up safety in response to rape allegations against a driver in India and growing concerns about background checks for operators of the popular ride-sharing service.

Tesla updating Model S to ease range anxiety, improve safety

Tesla Motors is updating its Model S electric car to help ease drivers' worries about running out of battery charge—and is hinting that in the future drivers can take their hands off the wheel altogether.

Sociologist links cheaper gas prices to more vehicle crashes

As the price of gasoline drops, the number of automobile crashes increases, according to Guangqing Chi, an associate professor of sociology at South Dakota State University. However, the time frame within which this occurs ...

Denmark likely to ban ridesharing service Uber

Two months after the ride-hailing app Uber was introduced in Denmark, the country's transport minister has said the service likely will be banned because it violates Danish law.

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