The decline in emissions also has negative implications

In large parts of Europe and North America, the decline in industrial emissions over the past 20 years has reduced pollution of the atmosphere and in turn of soils and water in many natural areas. The fact that this positive ...

Water 4.0—the next revolution in urban water systems

In his 2014 book, Water 4.0, UC Berkeley environmental engineer David Sedlak identifies four "revolutions" in the development of urban water systems. The first revolution—Water 1.0—was the Roman innovation of piping potable ...

Our water pipes crawl with millions of bacteria

Researchers from Lund University in Sweden have discovered that our drinking water is to a large extent purified by millions of "good bacteria" found in water pipes and purification plants. So far, the knowledge about them ...

Professor offers primer on energy usage and drinking water

In January 2015, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimated that a staggering $2.6 billion worth of treated drinking water is lost each year due to leaking water mains and approximately 240,000 main breaks. ...

EPA: No widespread harm to drinking water from fracking (Update)

Hydraulic fracturing to drill for oil and natural gas has not caused widespread harm to drinking water in the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency said Thursday in a report that also warned of potential contamination ...

Gaza engineer seeks solution to water woes

With Gaza's supply of drinking water expected to dry up by 2020, a Palestinian engineer is pioneering a machine to make seawater potable for residents of the coastal territory.

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