Chip packets help make safer water in Papua New Guinea

University of Adelaide mechanical engineering students and staff have designed a low-cost and easily made drinking water treatment system suitable for remote communities in Papua New Guinea (PNG) – using foil chip packets ...

Water 4.0—the next revolution in urban water systems

In his 2014 book, Water 4.0, UC Berkeley environmental engineer David Sedlak identifies four "revolutions" in the development of urban water systems. The first revolution—Water 1.0—was the Roman innovation of piping potable ...

Artificial sweetener as a wastewater tracer

Acesulfame is a sweetener in sugar-free drinks and foods. As it cannot be metabolized in the human body, the sweetener ends up in wastewater after consumption and remains largely intact even in sewage treatment plants. A ...

Gaza engineer seeks solution to water woes

With Gaza's supply of drinking water expected to dry up by 2020, a Palestinian engineer is pioneering a machine to make seawater potable for residents of the coastal territory.

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