Parasitic fig wasps bore with zinc hardened drill bit tips

Female insects have one goal in life: to find the best place to lay their eggs. For fig wasps, that is the developing fruit of the luscious fig plant. However, when one particular parasitic fig wasp (Apocryta westwoodi grandi) ...

BP starts 'top kill' operation to stop oil leak

BP on Wednesday launched a complex, risky deep sea operation to cap the Gulf of Mexico oil leak, under huge pressure to get it right this time and stop the five-week-old gusher.

Wait is on for judge's ruling in BP oil spill trial

Ed Sherman, a Tulane University law professor specializing in complex litigation, continues to closely monitor the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill trial in New Orleans, almost three years after the Deepwater Horizon drilling ...

US opens new areas of Gulf of Mexico to drilling

The US government offered up new areas of the central Gulf of Mexico for drilling for the first time since the 2010 BP oil spill and received $1.7 billion in winning bids, officials said Wednesday.

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