International drilling expedition to probe Japanese fault zone

( -- The scientific drilling ship Chikyu will set sail on April 1 on an ambitious expedition to drill into the fault that caused the devastating Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. Emily Brodsky, a professor ...

Chevron's CEO: Affordable energy is crucial

(AP)—Chevron CEO John Watson notices something important as he visits his company's operations around the globe: Governments everywhere find high energy prices much scarier than the threat of global warming.

Gas hydrate strategy reinforced

Their critics weren't convinced the first time, but Rice University researchers didn't give up on the "ice that burns."

Energy companies pressure landowners into fracking, study shows

Energy companies use persistent and personalized pressure to get landowners to give permission for hydraulic fracturing (fracking), and even when landowners decline, companies use legalized compulsion to conduct fracking ...

Exploring hidden life’s abundance

( -- Two miles below the surface of the Sargasso Sea lies a depression in the Earth’s crust filled with sediment and, scientists believe, teeming with life — exotic, microscopic, and very likely never before ...

Boost to UK geothermal energy prospects

( -- Geothermal energy in the UK is a step closer to reality after exploratory drilling by experts at Newcastle University revealed record levels of permeability in granite.

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