Scientists use game to generate database for analysis of drawing

The fingers of thousands of people who created sketches of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie on their iPhones can collectively guide and correct the drawing strokes of subsequent touchscreen users in an application created by ...

Promising drilling tool

An innovative new oil-drilling tool concept has seen the light of day.

Scientists underestimated potential for Tohoku quake. Now what?

The massive Tohoku, Japan, earthquake in 2011 and Sumatra-Andaman superquake in 2004 stunned scientists because neither region was thought to be capable of producing a megathrust earthquake with a magnitude exceeding 8.4.

Children evaluate educational games

Is it possible to create suitable and amusing educational computer games? Can you use qualities from other types of games? And what do the children really think of these kinds of games? Wolmet Barendregt from The University ...

Google hopes to revolutionize video chat with 'Hangout' apps

Christine Egy Rose realized she was on to something powerful. Instead of the awkward monosyllabic two-minute exchange her two-year-old son Jackson typically had over a video chat link with relatives, he spent a full 50 minutes ...

Leonardo's anatomical sketches fascinate modern-day anatomist

Sketched at a time when few dared oppose prevailing medical dogma, the anatomical drawings of Leonardo da Vinci display his rare and courageous curiosity, says a Texas anatomist who co-authored a new art catalog of the medieval ...

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