Putting some skin in the turbulence game

An algorithm that improves simulations of turbulent flows by enabling the accurate calculation of a parameter called skin friction has been developed by KAUST researchers in collaboration with researchers at the California ...

Tides could be source of heat on icy moons

The icy moons in the outer solar system hold the potential for life, given that they may contain oceans of water. But life also needs a source of energy input to perform essential functions such as growth, reproduction and ...

Levitation trick gives drag the slip

Plunging hot spheres into viscous liquids reveals a way to reduce fluid resistance without complex engineering procedures.

Measuring the flowing forces and bending on aquatic plants

Beneath the surface of rivers and streams, aquatic plants sway with the current, playing an unseen but vital role in the life of the waterway. Through a new series of experiments that model these underwater undulations, researchers ...

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