Deciphering potent DNA toxin's secrets

One of the most potent toxins known acts by welding the two strands of the famous double helix together in a unique fashion which foils the standard repair mechanisms cells use to protect their DNA.

Video imaging of single molecule DNA replication

Almost all life on Earth is based on DNA being copied, or replicated. Now for the first time scientists have been able to watch the replication of a single DNA molecule, with some surprising findings. For one thing, there's ...

A new approach to amplifying DNA

Analyzing DNA is useful for a number of vital applications. This includes diagnosis and monitoring of diseases, identification of criminals, and studying the function of a targeted segment of DNA. However, methods used for ...

Electrons use DNA like a wire for signaling DNA replication

In the early 1990s, Jacqueline Barton, the John G. Kirkwood and Arthur A. Noyes Professor of Chemistry at Caltech, discovered an unexpected property of DNA—that it can act like an electrical wire to transfer electrons quickly ...

Hijacking the double helix for replication

For years, scientists have puzzled over what prompts the intertwined double-helix DNA to open its two strands and then start replication. Knowing this could be the key to understanding how organisms - from healthy cells to ...

Scientists make silver nanowires based on DNA molecules

A team of researchers from Russia and Israel, including scientists from MIPT, has made nanowires from DNA molecules and silver nanoparticles. The research findings were published in Advanced Materials and are featured on ...

Engineers make nanoscale 'muscles' powered by DNA

The base pairs found in DNA are key to its ability to store protein-coding information, but they also give the molecule useful structural properties. Getting two complementary strands of DNA to zip up into a double helix ...

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