Scientists report first results from neutrino mountain experiment

This week, an international team of physicists, including researchers at MIT, is reporting the first results from an underground experiment designed to answer one of physics' most fundamental questions: Why is our universe ...

The legacy of the Majorana Demonstrator (Update)

For nearly six years, the Majorana Demonstrator quietly listened to the universe. Nearly a mile underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), in Lead, South Dakota, the experiment collected data that could ...

News about ghost particles

( —Neutrinos are the most elusive particles having extremely weak interactions with all other particles. They have rather unusual properties and are even expected to be identical with their own antiparticles. So ...

Physicists close in on a rare particle-decay process

In the biggest result of its kind in more than ten years, physicists have made the most sensitive measurements yet in a decades-long hunt for a hypothetical and rare process involving the radioactive decay of atomic nuclei.

GERDA experiment ready to discover rarest radioactive decay

Why is there more matter than antimatter in the universe? The reason might be hidden in the neutrino nature: one of the preferred theoretical models assumes, that these elementary particles were identical with their own anti-particles. ...

Research places new limits on the bizarre behavior of neutrinos

In a laboratory under a mountain, physicists are using crystals far colder than frozen air to study ghostly particles, hoping to learn secrets from the beginning of the universe. Researchers at the Cryogenic Underground Observatory ...

No evidence of the double nature of neutrinos

After two years of searching for a special radioactive decay that would provide an indication of new physics beyond the standard model, an experiment deep under ground near Carlsbad has so far found no evidence of its existence. ...

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