Genetic code of red blood cells discovered

Eight days. That's how long it takes for skin cells to reprogram into red blood cells. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden, together with colleagues at Center of Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona, have successfully ...

Researchers create a 'living kidney membrane'

Researchers at the MIRA research institute of the University of Twente and the Radboudumc have created a 'living membrane' combining kidney epithelial cells with a polymeric artificial membrane. This achievement is a first ...

From a drop of blood, a clone

Over the last few decades, scientists have drawn upon a powerful arsenal of biotechnology techniques to establish a wide variety of genetically engineered mouse strains. These animals represent invaluable resources for studying ...

Clones of clones can make clones

Since the first reports of successful cloning of mammals by somatic cell nuclear transfer, concerns have been raised about the efficiency and repeatability of cloning techniques, and the health of cloned offspring. Although ...

World's first handmade cloned transgenic sheep born in China

Chinese scientists from BGI together with the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Shihezi University, Xinjiang province, made a significant breakthrough in animal cloning. ...

A new generation of biological scaffolds

Professor John Fisher from The University of Leeds is speaking today at the UK National Stem Cell Network Annual Science Meeting in Nottingham about his team's research into how biological scaffolding will pave the way for ...

Molecular dispersion enhances quasi-bilayer organic solar cells

In the last couple of years, organic solar cells (OSCs) based on non-fullerene (NF) acceptors have demonstrated tremendous progress in power conversion efficiency (PCE). The majority of state-of-the-art OSCs in the lab is ...

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