Wolves understand cause and effect better than dogs

Domestic dogs may have lost some of their innate animal skill when they came in from the wild, according to new research conducted at the Wolf Science Center in Austria.

STSR tests confirm that dogs have self-awareness

A new study carried out by the Department of Psychology at Barnard College in the U.S. used a sniff test to evaluate the ability of dogs to recognize themselves. The results have been published in the journal Behavioural ...

Study throws dog domestication theories to the wolves

From the tiny chihuahua to the massive Saint Bernard, domestic dogs today trace their roots to a single group of wolves that crossed the path of humans as long as 40,000 years ago, researchers said Tuesday.

Here's what dogs see when they watch television

Dog owners often notice their pets watching televisions, computer screens and tablets. But what is going on in their pooch's head? Indeed, by tracking their vision using similar methods used on humans, research has found ...

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