Lyme disease in dogs: What dog owners should know

As Lyme disease cases rise in the U.S., humans are not the only ones at risk. Veterinarians with the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine say dogs are increasingly vulnerable to this tick-borne illness.

Ticks are on the march in Britain

The prevalence of ticks attaching to dogs in Great Britain has been mapped by scientists as part of a national tick survey. The findings reveal that the number of dogs infested with the blood-sucking parasites was much higher ...

Study reveals how deadly tick disease spreads

Findings from a new study are providing important insights into the spread of Rocky Mountain spotted fever, which is transmitted from dogs to people through ticks. The new data are being used to create models that could help ...

Ticking along

It may be slighter later than expected but spring finally seems to be upon us. Unfortunately, this also means the start of the tick season, both for humans and for their pets. But when exactly is the risk of dogs' picking ...

Treatments for parasites keeping landmine detection dogs in field

Cambodia is a country that remains plagued by landmine contamination. As a result, the country has a high proportion of physically disabled people in its population, which has a huge impact both socioeconomically and psychologically.