The truth about cats' and dogs' environmental impact

With many Americans choosing to eat less meat in recent years, often to help reduce the environmental effect of meat production, UCLA geography professor Gregory Okin began to wonder how much feeding pets contributes to issues ...

Dogs share food with other dogs even in complex situations

Humans aren't the only species to exhibit behaviour benefiting others of their kind, such as helping or sharing. Dogs also share their food, albeit mainly with four-legged friends rather than strangers. A new study conducted ...

'Gambling' wolves take more risks than dogs

Would you rather get 100 euros for certain, or have a fifty-fifty chance of receiving either 200 euros or nothing? Most choose the first, as humans tend to be "risk-averse", preferring a guaranteed pay-off over the possibility ...

A dog's dilemma: Do canines prefer praise or food?

Given the choice, many dogs prefer praise from their owners over food, suggests a new study published in the journal Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. The study is one of the first to combine brain-imaging data ...

Video: Why wet dogs stink (and other canine chemistry)

They're our best four-legged friends, and they're the stars of many an Internet video. No, not cats. This week on Reactions, we're talking dogs. We investigate the chemistry behind your dog's amazing sense of smell.

Wolves discriminate quantities better than dogs

Being able to mentally consider quantities makes sense for any social species. This skill is important during the search for food, for example, or to determine whether an opponent group outnumbers one's own. Scientists from ...

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