Tailor-made metal complexes for medical diagnostics and therapy

Tailor-made chemical complexes of certain elements from the group of metals could be suitable for use in a special way in medical imaging as well as potential applications in personalized precision medicine. This has been ...

Researchers develop a new method for analyzing rock glaciers

Standing on a rock glacier is what Tyler Meng imagines it would be like to stand on the surface of Mars. The glacier's barren and wrinkled landscape looks like Silly Putty that's drooped under gravity's pull, offering few ...

Chew on this: Personalized health care for mountain gorillas

A mountain gorilla walks in the forest of East Africa's Virunga Volcanoes conservation area. It stops at a piece of wild celery, sits down, and begins to chew. It strips the vegetable's fibrous threads through its teeth, ...

Black hole burps up shredded star

In October 2018, a small star was ripped to shreds when it wandered too close to a black hole in a galaxy located 665 million light years away from Earth. Though it may sound thrilling, the event did not come as a surprise ...

Soybean virus may give plant-munching bugs a boost in survival

Most viral infections negatively affect an organism's health, but one plant virus in particular—soybean vein necrosis orthotospovirus, often referred to as SVNV—may actually benefit a type of insect that commonly feeds ...

Aerodynamics of perching birds could inform aircraft design

If you have ever watched a bird land on a tree branch, you may have noticed that it rapidly pitches its wings upward at a high angle to execute a smooth landing. However, for some birds, they land by folding their wings as ...

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