Researchers develop a new method for analyzing rock glaciers

Standing on a rock glacier is what Tyler Meng imagines it would be like to stand on the surface of Mars. The glacier's barren and wrinkled landscape looks like Silly Putty that's drooped under gravity's pull, offering few ...

Spaceship Concordia

Science for the benefit of space exploration does not only happen off planet. While some studies require the weightless isolation of the International Space Station, another location provides the right conditions for investigating ...

Surgery allows blind orangutan to see her babies

(AP)—A formerly blind Sumatran orangutan can see her baby twins for the first time after undergoing cataract surgery in the first such operation in Indonesia.

Vision changes in space

Understanding the effects of microgravity on the human body is essential in enabling astronauts to travel through the harsh environment of space for months, or even years. Significant changes to the body's skeletal and muscle ...

Antiquity's hermaphroditus—a gender bender

The view that androgynous individuals are pathologically deviant has caused scholars to reject the possibility that the mythological figure Hermaphroditus could be perceived as erotically attractive. But the Romans had a ...

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