Black hole burps up shredded star

In October 2018, a small star was ripped to shreds when it wandered too close to a black hole in a galaxy located 665 million light years away from Earth. Though it may sound thrilling, the event did not come as a surprise ...

How our understanding of employee innovation is outdated

Do you feel that you are not good at innovating in the workplace? According to Maria Pajuoja's doctoral dissertation at the University of Vaasa, Finland, the reason for the feeling might be that the prevailing perception ...

Study shows how people perceive gender through speech

Using terminology such as "female" and "male," or "feminine" and "masculine" affects how people perceive gender when hearing someone's voice, according to a study from researchers at the Acoustic Phonetics and Perception ...

Business intelligence acts as a precursor to strategy

Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics play a key role in strategy work. However, business intelligence is not just a data mass that supplements strategy or a self-evident prop, but, together with the predictions generated ...

New instrument automates analysis of human plasma

In his doctoral dissertation on analytical chemistry, MSc, MSc (Tech) Evgen Multia has developed new methods for studying biomacromolecules in blood plasma, and an instrument for it with patent pending.

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