Related topics: genome

DNA-guided assembly yields novel ribbon-like nanostructures

( —Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory have discovered that DNA "linker" strands coax nano-sized rods to line up in way unlike any other spontaneous arrangement of rod-shaped ...

Electronic zippers control DNA strands

A research team from NPL and the University of Edinburgh have invented a new way to zip and unzip DNA strands using electrochemistry.

Barcoding long DNA quantifies CRISPR effects

Current sequencing techniques lack the sensitivity to detect rare gene mutations in a pool of cells, which is particularly important, for example, in early cancer detection. Now, scientists at KAUST have developed an approach, ...

Deciphering potent DNA toxin's secrets

One of the most potent toxins known acts by welding the two strands of the famous double helix together in a unique fashion which foils the standard repair mechanisms cells use to protect their DNA.

Some cells don't know when to stop

Certain mutated cells keep trying to replicate their DNA—with disastrous results—even after medications rob them of the raw materials to do so, according to new research from USC.

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