Oldest case of a rare genetic condition discovered

A group of international researchers has uncovered evidence of a super rare genetic condition that gives men an extra X chromosome, reporting the oldest clinical case of Klinefelter syndrome to date.

Solving Everest's wildlife mysteries with eDNA

A team of scientists led by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Appalachian State University used environmental DNA (eDNA) to document the breadth of high-alpine biodiversity present on Earth's highest mountain, 29,032-foot ...

The missing links: Finding function in lincRNAs

Genomes contain regions between protein-coding genes that produce lengthy RNA molecules that never give rise to a protein. These long intergenic non-coding RNAs (lincRNAs) are thought to have important functions, such as ...

Another step toward synthetic cells

Building functional synthetic cells from the bottom-up is an ongoing effort of scientists around the globe. Their use in studying cellular mechanisms in a highly controlled and pre-defined setting creates great value for ...

Can a parasitic wasp save your fruit crops?

The wasp species Asobara japonica (A. japonica) is a parasitic organism, meaning it sustains its life by hijacking resources from a host such as the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. The wasp mother can secrete a venom full ...

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