SRNL works to decrease hazards from mold in water damaged homes

A team of microbiologists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) is working with Tuskegee University and Mississippi State University to decrease mold growth in flooded homes through ...

Biochip technology reveals 'fingerprints' of biochemical threats

( -- Argonne biochemist Daniel Schabacker could be considered a Sherlock Holmes of bioterrorism. Although he doesn’t carry around a pipe and magnifying glass as he attempts to nab the culprit, he has a far more ...

Scientists tease DNA from eggshell of extinct birds

( -- In a world first, scientists in Australia announced on Wednesday they had extracted DNA from the fossilised eggshells of extinct birds, including iconic giants such as the moa and elephant bird.

No Mistaking this Bug with New Insect ID Technique

( -- Misidentifying boll weevils caught in pheromone traps could be easier to avoid, thanks to a new DNA fingerprinting method devised by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and their collaborators.

Zoo volunteers help explain mysteries of the genome

As we approache the 25th anniversary of the discovery of DNA fingerprinting (September 10), University of Leicester geneticists interested in a particular type of DNA are receiving some help from an unusual band of assistants.

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