Coral gardening beckons ecotourists to restore reefs

Coral reefs are fragile and in danger worldwide, but a growing movement to restore them is based on the science of breaking off pieces in order to grow more, known as coral gardening.

Man-made reefs: A compelling diving alternative

Artificial, man-made reefs can be more attractive to divers than nearby natural coral formations and can help mitigate potential reef damage, according to a new study by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) researchers.

Citizen divers aid understanding of fish in the Salish Sea

Hundreds of fish species live in the Salish Sea, and many face a number of threats. Monitoring the health of these fish populations is crucial. But with nearly 5,000 miles of coastline and more than 400 islands, it's no small ...

Hawaii researchers explore previously unseen coral

(AP) -- Scientists over the past month explored coral reefs in the remote Northwestern Hawaiian Islands that until recently were considered too deep for scuba divers to reach.

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