Related topics: federal judge

Court asked to keep stem cell money flowing

(AP) -- The Obama administration is asking a federal appeals court to lift an order blocking federal funding for some stem cell research, a day after being turned down by the judge who issued the order.

Judge won't let stem cell money keep flowing (Update)

(AP) -- A federal judge on Tuesday refused to lift his order blocking federal funding for some stem cell research, saying that a "parade of horribles" predicted by federal officials would not happen.

Utah jury decides Unix battle in favor of Novell

(AP) -- Novell Inc. never sold ownership rights to Unix computer software code when it allowed another company to take over the servicing of the venerable server operating system used by large corporations, a jury in Utah ...

Hacker gets 20 years for stealing credit card data

(AP) -- A computer hacker from Florida was sentenced Thursday to 20 years in prison for helping engineer one of the largest thefts of credit and debit card numbers in U.S. history.

RealNetworks will stop selling DVD copying product

(AP) -- RealNetworks Inc. said Wednesday that it will stop selling technology that lets consumers copy DVDs to their computer hard drives, settling a handful of lawsuits filed against the company by Hollywood's six major ...

NYC judge expresses some doubts about Google deal

(AP) -- A judge Thursday questioned whether Google and lawyers for authors and publishers went too far when they struck a deal that would let the gigantic search engine make money presiding over the world's largest digital ...

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