Researchers propose using distant quasars to test Bell's theorem

In a paper published this week in the journal Physical Review Letters, MIT researchers propose an experiment that may close the last major loophole of Bell's inequality—a 50-year-old theorem that, if violated by experiments, ...

Quasar observed in six separate light reflections

( —Quasars are active black holes—primarily from the early universe. Using a special method where you observe light that has been bent by gravity on its way through the universe, a group of physics students from ...

Black holes provide us with knowledge of the Earth

Black holes in distant galaxies can provide us with vital knowledge about our planet. Chalmers is currently building two new telescopes which, despite the fact they are directed out into space, will measure and map the Earth.

Quasar gas clouds: Gone, with the wind

(—The case of the missing quasar gas clouds has been solved by a worldwide team of astronomers, and the answer is blowin' in the wind.

'Cosmic mirages' confirm accelerated cosmic expansion

( -- An international team of researchers led by Masamune Oguri at Kavli IPMU and Naohisa Inada at Nara National College of Technology conduced an unprecedented survey of gravitationally lensed quasars, and used ...

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