Dish tops Sprint's bid for Clearwire ahead of vote

Satellite TV operator Dish Network has raised its bid for Clearwire Corp., valuing the wireless network operator at $6.9 billion, in an attempt to outbid Sprint Nextel Corp. two days before Clearwire shareholders are meeting ...

Sprint to listen to Dish offer

Wireless company Sprint Nextel Corp. says it can now let Dish Network Corp. see its books and talk with Dish to see whether its competing offer to buy Sprint is better than its current deal with Japan's SoftBank.

Dish's Ergen says Sprint debt manageable

Dish Network's combative chairman, Charlie Ergen, is defending his $25.5 billion bid for Sprint Nextel, saying the debt load the deal would create for the combined company will be manageable.

Japan's cleanup lags from tsunami, nuke accident

(AP)—Two years after the triple calamities of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster ravaged Japan's northeastern Pacific coast, debris containing asbestos, lead, PCBs—and perhaps most worrying—radioactive waste due ...

Clearwire to tap into $80M financing from Sprint

(AP)—Clearwire says it will tap into $80 million in financing from Sprint, putting a hurdle in the way of a possible sale of the wireless network operator to Dish.

CNET reporter quits over CBS interference

Technology reviews by website CNET have long been respected for their thoroughness and integrity, but that reputation has come under scrutiny after a top reporter quit over what he says is editorial interference by its parent ...

ONR, marines eye solar energy

The Office of Naval Research (ONR) is looking to the sun for energy in an effort to help Marines do away with diesel-guzzling generators now used in combat outposts, officials announced Nov. 29.

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