Dish Network 1Q profit rises 21 percent

Dish Network Corp., the second-largest satellite TV provider in the U.S., surprised investors Monday by posting first-quarter results that were not as bad as feared. Earnings rose by 21 percent on the back of price increases ...

Desert clash in West over solar potential, water

(AP) -- A westward dash to power electricity-hungry cities by cashing in on the desert's most abundant resource - sunshine - is clashing with efforts to protect the tiny pupfish and desert tortoise and stinginess over the ...

Spirit Healthy but Computer Reboots Raise Concerns

( -- The team operating NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit is examining data received from Spirit in recent days to diagnose why the rover apparently rebooted its computer at least twice over the April 11-12 ...

Technology to detect chemicals in fruit and vegetables

An ITMO Ph.D. student with her colleagues from Russia, Spain and Singapore has developed flexible sensing films based on silver nanoparticles that can be used to identify the presence of pesticide residue on the surface of ...

NATO to set up new space center amid China, Russia concerns

To a few of the locals, the top-secret, fenced-off installation on the hill is known as "the radar station." Some folks claim to have seen mysterious Russians in the area. Over the years, rumors have swirled that it might ...

Pandemic offers pause, not end, to globalization

It'll take more than a pandemic to stop the march of globalization. In fact, it might be the offshoots of globalization that help humanity combat this and other global threats, according to one Western researcher.

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