Researcher finds life flying high above

For years, scientists have been tracking pollution that travels across the jet stream from Asia and measuring how much of it winds up in Northwest air. Now new work from University of Washington researchers shows it's not ...

Natural fungus may provide effective bed bug control

"And don't let the bed bugs bite" is no longer a harmless adage. In reality today, these bloodthirsty bugs infest thousands of homes. According to a team of Penn State entomologists, biopesticides—naturally occurring microorganisms—might ...

Tapping sorghum's potential for cold tolerance

(—Sorghum was originally a tropical plant, but U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists in Lubbock, Texas, are looking to Asia to increase sorghum's cold tolerance and expand its production range.

Chinese dust cloud 'improves smelly Japanese dish'

Natto, the Japanese breakfast dish of fermented soybeans, has a smell likened to sweaty feet but researchers have come up with an unlikely way of making it less whiffy—using bacteria from Chinese dust clouds.

Study: Flambe doesn't seem to enhance flavor

The cooking technique in which a dish with alcohol is set alight at the table may be dramatic, but does it enhance the flavor? It doesn't seem so, according to an undergraduate research project at Cornell.

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