Modern mummification sheds light on Ramses II

Some millennia ago, Yes might have been the object of worship in ancient Egypt. Today, Yes – a modern, domestic house cat – is helping shed light on the practice of mummification and the lives of ancients, such as Ramses ...

UW scientists probe, attack late blight in potatoes

(—As the annual potato harvest begins, Wisconsin farmers continue to check their fields for late blight, the ferocious plant disease that caused the 1848 Irish potato famine and fueled massive emigration from Ireland.

Researchers learn how pathogen causes speck disease

( -- Researchers have discovered how the structure of a protein allows a certain bacteria to interfere with the tomato plant's immune system, causing bacterial speck disease.

Video: Engineering a new mosquito

Scientists have long been looking for ways to reduce or get rid of insect-borne diseases, and NC State University's Sophia Webster is taking a new approach that involves genetically engineering the mosquitoes.

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