Related topics: patients

International team strengthens Big Bang Theory

( —An international team of scientists using the most powerful telescope on Earth has discovered the moments just after the Big Bang happened more like the theory predicts, eliminating a significant discrepancy ...

Warming ocean layers will undermine polar ice sheets

Warming of the ocean's subsurface layers will melt underwater portions of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets faster than previously thought, according to new University of Arizona-led research. Such melting would increase ...

Despite improvements, China's air remains unsafe

Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone exposure are major public health problems in China. Although useful, atmospheric models used to analyze these and other air quality concerns over the years are expensive to run, limiting ...

Blog comment, collab help man attack old maths problem

Chris Cesare in Nature reported on Friday that Terence Tao successfully attacked the Erdős discrepancy problem by building on an online collaboration. Tao is a professor in the math department at UCLA. He works primarily ...

Tracking new physics—horse or zebra?

If you hear hoof beats, common sense says the cause is more than likely a horse. Yet, the possibility still exists that you're actually hearing a zebra. Physicists at LHCb are applying that same logic to an unusual finding ...

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