Related topics: patients

What people don't get about my job

Having a job is a privilege that brings many things - satisfaction, pride, a roof over your head, a way of life. But what happens when not everyone understands what you do, affecting how they perceive you and how much they ...

Supporting primary children's understanding of physics

New software has significant benefits for primary school children and their understanding of elementary physics, research shows. Studies funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) focused on what primary school ...

Curiosity smiles in her latest "selfie"

This is very cute—Curiosity's latest "selfie," a mosaic made up of about a dozen images acquired with the rover's Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) instrument on April 27-28, 2014 (Sol 613) with the 5.5-km-high Mount Sharp ...

Cloud seeds and ozone holes

New findings on the growth of ice clusters in Polar Stratospheric Clouds could help clarify the process of ozone depletion in the atmosphere.

Advanced radio technologies for fairer 4G communications

If you live in one of the dozen or so European countries with an up and running 4Gmobile network, you may have already bought a 4G-enabled phone, hoping to enjoy the blisteringly fast data rates your operator is advertising. ...

US Census data may undercount Mexicans, Arabs, others

The number of Mexican-Americans known to be legally in the United States would increase nearly 10 percent if the federal census broadened its standard definition to include people who don't identify themselves as Hispanic ...

Challenging the public's view of gender and science

According to She Figures 2012, which analyses gender equality in research, in 2010 women accounted for only 10 % of university rectors in Europe and 15.5 % were heads of institutions of the higher education sector. Although, ...

Games ratings losing the battle?

The new classification system for video games, introduced in January this year, is not providing the promised better protection for Australian children, according to Elizabeth Handsley, Professor of Law at Flinders University ...

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