Carl Icahn's stake in Nuance grows to 16.9 pct.

Billionaire investor Carl Icahn has raised his stake in Nuance Communications over the past month to almost 17 percent, nearing a threshold that would trigger defensive mechanisms to thwart a hostile takeover.

Philippine gold mine struggles to plug waste spill

The Philippines' largest gold mine said Tuesday it was struggling to contain a waste spillage from its tailings dam which has forced it to suspend operations for the past month.

Reading between the lines of CSR disclosure

Investors are increasingly holding companies to high corporate social responsibility (CSR) standards. That's the main reason more and more companies are choosing to disclose information about their social and environmental ...

Megaupload boss wins right to see US evidence

The boss of file-sharing site Megaupload has the right to see US evidence against him so he can defend a bid to extradite him from New Zealand on online piracy charges, an Auckland court ruled Thursday.

Ariz. court rules records law covers 'metadata'

(AP) -- Hidden data embedded in electronic public records must be disclosed under Arizona's public records law, the state Supreme Court ruled Thursday in a case that attracted interest from media and government organizations.

Sharing corporate R&D on the internet

How much research and development information do Fortune Global 500 companies give away on their websites? That was the question a team from the University of Tunisia hoped to answer in assessing the openness of the commercial ...

Alibaba reveals US regulator's request for data

Chinese online giant Alibaba said Friday US stock market regulators had asked for information related to a probe of its activities in China, and was cooperating with the request.

Google, FTC reach Google Buzz privacy settlement

The Federal Trade Commission reached a settlement with Google on Wednesday over Google Buzz, the social networking tool rolled out last year which spawned a slew of privacy complaints.

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