Equifax says execs unaware of hack when they sold stock

Equifax said Friday an internal review found that four executives who sold shares ahead of disclosure of a massive data breach at the credit agency were unaware of the incident ahead of the sale.

Study shows expanding conflict-of-interest problem in congress

From 2005 to 2010, the average S&P 500 firm had seven members of Congress who owned stock in the firm, and some companies had closer to 100 members owning stock, according to a new study co-authored by a management professor ...

Sharing corporate R&D on the internet

How much research and development information do Fortune Global 500 companies give away on their websites? That was the question a team from the University of Tunisia hoped to answer in assessing the openness of the commercial ...

Alibaba reveals US regulator's request for data

Chinese online giant Alibaba said Friday US stock market regulators had asked for information related to a probe of its activities in China, and was cooperating with the request.

Sustainability reporting falling short

Once on the fringe of institutional investors' considerations, reporting on environmental, social and governance related issues is now common practice among major listed companies.

Brazil 'wants to question tech giants'

Shocked by evidence of eavesdropping on government communications, Brazilian police intend to ask US permission to question the heads of tech giants, Globo television reported Friday.

'Eraser' law will let California kids scrub online past

Teenagers' nightmarish propensity to post underage party hijinks, flesh-flashing and nasty commentary online have found a dream come true in California, which will soon let them erase their tracks.

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