Do 'Dear CEO' letters make a difference?

For several years now, large investment firms have used public proclamations, like BlackRock's "Dear CEO" letters, to signal their commitment to corporate social responsibility. New research shows the companies these firms ...

Aussie businesses not ready to tackle modern slavery

New research from the University of South Australia finds that Australian businesses are ill-prepared for mandatory modern slavery reporting, with more than two-thirds of ASX 100 companies unable to produce a disclosure statement ...

To tackle child labor, start with consumers

Consumer education campaigns that raise awareness about the use of child labour in global supply chains can be an effective countermeasure against the practice, according to new research published in Manufacturing & Service ...

Study scrutinizes hidden marketing relationships on social media

Federal regulators require social media personalities to alert their viewers to promotional payments for products and gadgets shown on their channels, but an analysis by Princeton University researchers shows that such disclosures ...

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