An unlikely pair of satellites

Space research and exploration reaches across Earth's borders and boundaries, relying on collaboration between nations, disciplines and institutions.

Pre-college science programs lead to more science majors

High school students who take part in pre-college programs that focus on science are much more likely to pursue higher education and, eventually, careers in science, technology, engineering and medicine - the STEM disciplines.

Time off after school can reap benefits at university

( —A University of Sydney study suggests students who have a gap year achieve more highly at university than students who enter university straight after school and mature age students.

Invasive 'Rasberry Crazy Ant' in Texas now identified species

The Rasberry Crazy Ant is an invasive ant that was first noticed infesting areas around Houston, Texas ten years ago, but its species identity has remained undetermined until now. In a paper published Sep. 19 in the open ...

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