For better li-ion batteries, scientists watch one at work

( —Using x-rays at the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS), a group of researchers has studied, in great detail, the nanoscale workings of a lithium-ion battery, learning new information about the chemical ...

Designer glue improves lithium-ion battery life

( —When it comes to improving the performance of lithium-ion batteries, no part should be overlooked – not even the glue that binds materials together in the cathode, researchers at SLAC and Stanford have found.

Electric fishes spark safer power line technology

Melbourne researchers have invented and patented a way of detecting and locating potential electrical faults along large stretches of power line before they occur.

An environmentally friendly battery made from wood (Update)

Taking inspiration from trees, scientists have developed a battery made from a sliver of wood coated with tin that shows promise for becoming a tiny, long-lasting, efficient and environmentally friendly energy source. Their ...

Unzipped nanotubes unlock potential for batteries

( —Researchers at Rice University have come up with a new way to boost the efficiency of the ubiquitous lithium ion (LI) battery by employing ribbons of graphene that start as carbon nanotubes.

Irrigation can give rise to increased precipitation

PhD candidate Obbe Tuinenburg defended his doctoral thesis on the 15th of April, 2013. His research related to the effects of large-scale irrigation in India on the atmosphere and rainfall. One of the conclusions of this ...

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