Disabled kids inspire musical instrument anyone can play

(Phys.org)—Not everyone can play music. You need timing and rhythm, an ear for pitch and notes and an ability to interpret sheet music and symbols. You need physical coordination to apply those talents plus control of lungs, ...

Supported playgroups working well but need fine tuning

A Queensland University of Technology (QUT) study has found that supported playgroups are providing valuable assistance to many families but some fine tuning could ensure attendees get the most out of the playgroup experience.

Babies and robots learn from each other

A few years ago, AnthroTronix, Inc., an engineering research and development firm in College Park, Md., introduced Cosmobot, a type of social robot for therapists and educators who work with developmentally and learning disabled ...

OrbiTouch keyboard: Removing the barriers of autism

Autism can build a wall of poor communication between those struggling with the condition and their families. While a personal computer can help bridge the divide, the distraction and complexity of a keyboard can be an insurmountable ...

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