Sports media use linked to belief in rape myths

Young men in a recent study who were regular consumers of sports media were more likely to accept rape myths, a set of false and prejudiced beliefs that can serve to excuse or downplay sexual assault.

Orbiting astronaut oversees robot team on Earth

Astronaut Frank Rubio aboard the International Space Station collaborated with a small team of robots on Earth to accomplish a complex task—a first test of a new approach to combine human and robotic capabilities for our ...

Previously unknown methane sources identified in Hamburg

After carbon dioxide, methane is the second most common greenhouse gas caused by human activity. Moreover, over a 20-year period, its global warming potential is more than 80 times that of carbon dioxide. The largest known ...

Uncovering spin ladders in real chemical compounds

When fabricated in one or two dimensions, systems of particles whose quantum spins interact with each other can display some unique quantum properties. Through new research published in The European Physical Journal B, Asif ...

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