What is blue carbon and how can it help fight climate change?

Blue carbon is becoming an increasingly popular term, but what exactly does it mean? The answer may vary slightly depending on who you ask. But broadly speaking, according to the National Ocean Service, "blue carbon is simply ...

Global food system emissions imperil Paris climate goals

The global food system's greenhouse gas emissions will add nearly one degree Celsius to Earth's surface temperatures by 2100 on current trends, obliterating Paris Agreement climate goals, scientists warned Monday.

Climate disinfo surges in denial, conspiracy comeback

False information about climate change flourished online over the past year, researchers say, with denialist social media posts and conspiracy theories surging after US environmental reforms and Elon Musk's Twitter takeover.

Undersea graveyard for imported CO2 opens in Denmark

Denmark on Wednesday inaugurated a project to store carbon dioxide 1,800 meters beneath the North Sea, becoming the first country in the world to bury CO2 imported from abroad.

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