Inland waters are a blind spot in greenhouse gas emissions

Inland waters such as rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and ponds may release copious amounts of greenhouse gases, but this possibility is not well understood. In a new review published in theJournal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, ...

Diatom surprise could rewrite the global carbon cycle

When it comes to diatoms that live in the ocean, new research suggests that photosynthesis is not the only strategy for accumulating carbon. Instead, these single-celled plankton are also building biomass by feeding directly ...

Satellite captures carbon dioxide aurora from space

While the night sky, with its display of "northern lights" or auroras, has captivated the attention of scientists and sky gazers for centuries, much less is known about the aurora associated with carbon dioxide until now.

'BeerBots' could speed up the brewing process

Craft brewers are continuously upping the ante and coming up with innovative ways to make or flavor their newest beers. Now, researchers are adding a new twist of their own, speeding up the brewing process with beer-making ...

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