Quantum optical sensor for the first time tested in space

For the first time ever, a cloud of ultra-cold atoms has been successfully created in space on board of a sounding rocket. The MAIUS mission demonstrates that quantum optical sensors can be operated even in harsh environments ...

Scientists work on an alternative to carry data

Installing new optical fibres is expensive. So network operators want to make better use of their existing capacities. A new type of laser diode from Darmstadt could help. It has now been put into practice with the industry.

Light helps the transistor laser switch faster

Light and electrons interact in a complex dance within fiber optic devices. A new study by University of Illinois engineers found that in the transistor laser, a device for next-generation high-speed computing, the light ...

Breakthrough in OLED technology

Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), which are made from carbon-containing materials, have the potential to revolutionize future display technologies, making low-power displays so thin they'll wrap or fold around other ...

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