Dino footprints enter record books

French researchers on Tuesday said they had uncovered the biggest dinosaur footprints in the world, left by giant sauropods that may have weighed 40 tonnes or more.

Dinosaur chase reconstructed 70 years after excavation

Scientists digitally reconstructed a model of a dinosaur chase using photos of theropod and sauropod footprints excavated 70 years ago, according to results published April 2, 2014, in the open access journal PLOS ONE by ...

Could big dinosaurs swim? Scientists follow the footprints

How far can you trust a footprint? Dinosaur footprints are fascinating but there's a question over how reliable they are at providing information about the palaeobiology of the creatures that made them. While certain prints ...

In the footsteps of dinosaurs

(PhysOrg.com) -- A geosciences grad student is piecing together evidence about dinosaurs from fossilized footprints.

Scientists discover first dinosaur trail in Victoria

Two sandstone blocks discovered by palaeontologists have provided the most extensive evidence of dinosaur footprints in Victoria. Found at Melanesia Beach, near Cape Otway, they represent 85 per cent of the known dinosaur ...

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