Size of mammals exploded after dinosaur extinction

Researchers demonstrate that the extinction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago made way for mammals to get bigger - about a thousand times bigger than they had been. The study, which is published in the prestigious journal ...

Dinosaurs with killer claws yield new theory about flight

( -- New research from Montana State University's Museum of the Rockies has revealed how dinosaurs like Velociraptor and Deinonychus used their famous killer claws, leading to a new hypothesis on the evolution ...

How dinosaurs may have evolved into birds

Tohoku University researchers and their international collaborators have identified a possible genetic mechanism underlying the evolution of birds, according to a recently published study in Nature Communications.

Sex appeal helped dinosaurs take flight

Attracting mates with showy displays may have helped dinosaurs develop feathers that let them take flight, according to new research by University of Alberta paleontologists.

How mass extinctions drove the evolution of dinosaurs

For 20 privileged Victorians, Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins held a lavish New Year's dinner party in 1853 inside a model of a dinosaur that was created for the Great Exhibition held two years earlier. Hawkins's models, which ...

Winged dinosaur Archaeopteryx dressed for flight

Since its discovery 150 years ago, scientists have puzzled over whether the winged dinosaur Archaeopteryx represents the missing link in birds' evolution to powered flight. Much of the debate has focused on the iconic creature's ...

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