Fossil egg links dinosaurs to modern birds

Researchers from Spain identified in Lleida a series of dinosaur eggs with a unique characteristic: They are oval in shape. The discovery represents proof in favor of the hypothesis that birds and non avian theropods, dinosaurs ...

Chechnya claims world's largest dinosaur eggs

A university in Russia's Chechnya claimed on Tuesday to have found an unprecedented stash of giant fossilised dinosaur eggs in a remote mountainous area of the North Caucasus region.

Egg Cetera #2: The answer to the riddle of which came first

In the second report of our Egg Cetera series on egg-related research, let’s begin with the age-old question: which came first, the chicken or the egg? Armed with knowledge of evolution, the answer is straightforward. ...

Smuggled dinosaur eggs returned to Romania

Three unique dwarf dinosaur eggs that were stolen and smuggled to Italy, were returned to Romania on Wednesday, the interior ministry said.

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