Bird-like dinosaurs hatched eggs like chickens: study

Feathered dinosaurs that walked on two legs and had parrot-like beaks shared another characteristic with modern birds—they brooded clutches of eggs at a temperature similar to chickens, a study showed Wednesday.

'Jurassic Park' paleontologist retiring from museum he built

Jack Horner, the paleontologist who discovered the world's first dinosaur embryos and found that dinosaurs had nests and cared for their young, is leaving the Montana museum he spent decades filling with fossils from across ...

'Pre-historic' animal shell found in Argentina

A passer-by on Christmas Day found a meter-long shell on a riverbank in Argentina which may be from a glyptodont, a prehistoric kind of giant armadillo, experts said Tuesday.

Oldest lizard embryos discovered in fossil eggs

Tiny fossil eggs long thought to harbour the embryos of dinosaurs or primitive birds, in fact contained unhatched baby lizards—the oldest ever found, scientists said Wednesday.

The curse of the horned dinosaur egg

Horned dinosaurs (ceratopsians) just can't catch a break when it comes to their fossilized eggs. The first purported examples turned up in Mongolia during the 1920s, attributed to Protoceratops. A few unlucky "Protoceratops" ...

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