Chimpanzees have five universal personality dimensions

While psychologists have long debated the core personality dimensions that define humanity, primate researchers have been working to uncover the defining personality traits for humankind's closest living relative, the chimpanzee. ...

How some leaves got fat: It's the veins

A "garden variety" leaf is a broad, flat structure, but if the garden happens to be somewhere arid, it probably includes succulent plants with plump leaves full of precious water. Fat leaves did not emerge in the plant world ...

Researchers show stem cell fate depends on 'grip'

The field of regenerative medicine holds great promise, propelled by greater understanding of how stem cells differentiate themselves into many of the body's different cell types. But clinical applications in the field have ...

Apple granted patent on new augmented reality technology

( —Apple Inc. has been granted a patent for an application filed with the U.S. Patent Office in 2010 for "Synchronized, interactive augmented reality displays for multifunction devices." The patent filing describes ...

Physicists create new 3D microchip

Scientists from the University of Cambridge have created, for the first time, a new type of microchip which allows information to travel in three dimensions. Currently, microchips can only pass digital information in a very ...

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