Could massive gravitons be viable dark matter candidates?

Today, many research teams worldwide are trying to detect dark matter, an invisible substance that is believed to account for most of the matter in the universe. As does not reflect or emit light, its presence has been indirectly ...

Why is space three-dimensional?

(—The question of why space is three-dimensional (3D) and not some other number of dimensions has puzzled philosophers and scientists since ancient Greece. Space-time overall is four-dimensional, or (3 + 1)-dimensional, ...

Nanowire lens can reconfigure its imaging properties

( -- By taking advantage of the unique optical properties of nanoscale materials, researchers have designed a lens made of nanowires that can reconfigure its imaging properties without any electronic or mechanical ...

Physicists investigate lower dimensions of the universe

( -- Several speculative theories in physics involve extra dimensions beyond our well-known four (which are broken down into three dimensions of space and one of time). Some theories have suggested 5, 10, 26, ...

Going Beyond Moore's Law by Using the Third Dimension

( -- Scientists have demonstrated a new microwire fabrication technique in which microwires self-assemble themselves in a three-dimensional template made of nematic liquid crystals. Amidst concerns about Moore’s ...

All your movies on a single DVD: study

Scientists unveiled new DVD technology on Wednesday that stores data in five dimensions, making it possible to pack more than 2,000 movies onto a single disc.

Scientists create novel approach to control energy waves in 4D

Everyday life involves the three dimensions (3D), along an X, Y and Z axis, or up and down, left and right, and forward and back. But in recent years scientists, like Guoliang Huang, the Huber and Helen Croft Chair in Engineering ...

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