Strategic city planning can help reduce urban heat island effect

The tendency of cities to trap heat—a phenomenon called the "urban heat island," often referred to as the UHI effect—can lead to dangerous temperatures in the summer months, but new Penn State research published in Buildings ...

When it comes to satellite data, sometimes more is more

There are roughly 7,000 satellites whizzing around Earth, scanning our planet's surface and generating hundreds of terabytes of data every day. These satellites are operated by many different governments and commercial entities, ...

M84: 'H' is for hot and huge in Chandra image

With a single letter seemingly etched in the X-ray glow around it, a giant black hole at the center of a massive elliptical galaxy is making a mark on its surroundings.

Nigeria and digital banking: A revolution still waiting to happen

At the end of 2022 the Central Bank of Nigeria launched new banknotes. At the same time it also capped withdrawal of the new banknotes. The rollout of the currency change was shambolic. But it also led people to turn to digital ...

Digital gulf drives trust wedge between businesses and customers

Businesses are more likely to win over customers if they can break down the lack of trust around digital technology, according to a new white paper from QUT's Center for Future Enterprise (CFE), which also concludes that ...

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