Hollywood hopes an ensemble cast boosts Blu-ray

(AP) -- Although prices for some Blu-ray players dropped below $100 this holiday season, customers are hesitating to jump into the next-generation video format. Even people who already own Blu-ray players are still buying ...

Samsung Announces the Premium I8910 HD Gold Edition

Samsung Electronics today announced the availability of the I8910 HD (Omnia HD, GT-I8910) Gold Edition. This premium version of the ground-breaking full touch screen smartphone features a luxurious new look inlayed with gold ...

Sony hopes online service will build brand loyalty

(AP) -- Sony's new online service connecting the whole range of its gadgets to downloadable content like movies and games should help build brand loyalty, a top executive said Friday.

Video fingerprinting offers search solution

(PhysOrg.com) -- The explosive growth of video on the internet calls for new ways of sorting and searching audiovisual content. A team of European researchers has developed a groundbreaking solution that is finding commercial ...

Seeing things: Researchers teach computers to recognize objects

(PhysOrg.com) -- If computers could recognize objects, they could automatically search through hours of video footage for a particular two-minute scene. A tourist strolling down a street in a strange city could take a cell-phone ...

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